We are open to the partnership!
Our website contains information about all Internet Service Providers in India.
Our customers can compare and choose the provider and plan in their city.
We believe that competition forces companies to improve their quality of services and makes them better. If a company is not striving to provide the best service for their customers, then it is very natural that the competitors will do it. And If a customer has a choice, they would always choose the best quality products or services, thus the competitive struggle, only the best in the business win and the rest perish.

For our partner we can:
• add information with updated plans and information about your telecommunication company
• bring new customers who want to be connected to your network
• share our expertise writing articles (link to the blog) for information portals and newspapers
• share our analytics about customers who want to have connections and let Broadband Providers understand where it is better to build infrastructure, based on the data
We are always open to new acquaintances and partnerships!
And even just for friendship!
Don`t hesitate to contact us! WhatsApp