PV 797 by BSNL is a Plan voucher and its Validity is 365 days. Additional Information:
Unlimited Data speed reduced to 80kbps after 2GB/day
The Voice benefits/SMS benefits (if any) under this voucher cannot be used for outgoing calls/SMS to premium numbers/IN numbers/international numbers and other chargeable short codes
the subscriber will be charged applicable tariffs for the same. This voucher is intended only for personal use of included services. BSNL reserves the right to discontinue service immediately in case of misuse/fraudulent use/ unauthorized telemarketing and commercial use. Unutilized free benefits will be forfeited at the expiry of current recharge of the plan. Calling - Unlimited
Data - 2 GB/day
SMS - 100/day
Unlimited Data speed reduced to 80kbps after 2GB/day
The Voice benefits/SMS benefits (if any) under this voucher cannot be used for outgoing calls/SMS to premium numbers/IN numbers/international numbers and other chargeable short codes
the subscriber will be charged applicable tariffs for the same. This voucher is intended only for personal use of included services. BSNL reserves the right to discontinue service immediately in case of misuse/fraudulent use/ unauthorized telemarketing and commercial use. Unutilized free benefits will be forfeited at the expiry of current recharge of the plan. Calling - Unlimited
Data - 2 GB/day
SMS - 100/day